In 1984 my father, Verl Cazier, created a cookbook for his children. My dad always had some type of restaurant or drive-in. I worked in a drive-in in Idaho Falls during 7th grade. Then I worked in the cafe we had, next to the bowling alley, in Logan, Utah during my 10th and 11th grade years. When my parents moved to Lander, WY. Verl opened a Pizza Parlor-Delicatessen on Main Street. I was married with one child. Circumstances sent us to live in Lander for a few years and I worked in the pizza parlor. Food was a big deal for my dad. His mom, my Grandma Rose had the Sweet Shop next to the theater in Afton, WY. It was here my dad invented his first big success. Even today, some recall his famous hot dog sauce.
You will see that some recipes have handwritten notes. They are, for the most part, mine. These recipes were created for and used in food establishments, so they are large. On some recipes, I have cut the amount to make it more manageable for a family meal. However, when canning, I use them as is. : )
I hope you enjoy trying out some of these very old and delightful recipes, from my family to yours. ENJOY!